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Interiors Photography – The Kitchen


Before looking at other types of Photography I thought I would look specifically at interiors and in particular the heart of any home, the kitchen.

I have been really lucky and had the chance to photograph a wide variety of beautiful homes for a selection of different clients who wanted to tell a selection of stories to people.

When photographing a kitchen the first thing one must establish is what the purpose of the shoot. Some of the most obvious reasons to photograph a kitchen is to show of a kitchen manufacturers work. Many of the kitchens I get to photograph are beautifully hand crafted by trades people with years of experience and unbelievable levels of skill.

Other Kitchens are photographed to show off the architecture and how the kitchen fits in to the story of the home while allowing the architects story continue.

The one thing that rarely changes no matter who the client is, is the idea that you want the viewer to look at the kitchen and know that they will be able to see themselves and their friends and / or family in that room with them. The viewer will be able to imagine a scene or a story that would include them in this kitchen.


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