Photography Workshops
BML Media now offers workshops in property and architectural photography.
While we know we can help your photography, it is important know there are limits to what a camera can do, even in the hands of a Professional. It is unlikely we can deliver results like this:
These workshops Can be delivered in one or two parts:
1. Theory:
a. How the camera works
b. How to work with the equipment you have / what equipment is required
c. What makes a good / bad photo?
d. The key decisions when taking the photo
- i. where the camera should be
- ii. where the camera should aim
e. types of photos:
- i. available light
- ii. additional light
- iii.HDR

2. Practical:
a. 2-4 hour work shop (depending on numbers) where you get to take photos and implement the stuff you learnt during the theory session.
b. Brian will take a picture of a room and an exterior and help you take your own images explaining how to put the theory into practice.
This is ideal for Estate Agents, Surveyors, Architects and other Professionals who wish to learn how to take better pictures for their job.
Brian also runs other courses on Architectural Photography based solely on exteriors, these workshops suitable for enthusiasts and photography clubs who want to improve their skills when it comes to capturing interesting images from about Dublin.